Windows Live Writer update


UPDATE 2008-08-14: When the boys at Delicious updated their site recently (nice work BTW, it looks great) they also changed their URL for feeds, causing my plug-in to break :-(

I have fixed up the code; the download links to the code on the original post are all correct and contain the updated code. The boys at Windows Live are currently approving the new upload, so please check to make sure you're downloading v1.1 if you get the plug-in from the link in this post.

Sorry for any hassle this may have caused.

When I wrote the original post on the WLW plug-in, I had no intention of releasing it publicly; it was all about the process of building software and coding in general, I just needed a real piece of WLWDPI.jpgsoftware to focus on for the post. However, after a brief conversion with Derek, the other day, I spent 10 minutes packaging it all up, and then  submitted it to the Windows Live Gallery... it was accepted over the weekend: Plug-In

So if you're not interested in the code and just want to use it then please feel free to download it from the link above.



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